Which areas can be treated with Botox?
The “11’s” or “angry lines” located between the brows is the most common area treated. This area, known as the Glabella, actually consists of 4 muscles that all need to be treated to have the maximum effect. Different patients have different strengths and sizes of these muscles. Commonly men require more units in this area than women. Other very common areas to treat are the horizontal forehead lines as well as the lines near the eyes, the “crows feet”.  In addition, bunny lines of the nose are easily treated. Botox can also be used to elevate the brow as well as the corner of the mouth. It can also be used to treat any overactive muscle such as the orbicularis oris around the mouth that can create the so-called “smoker lines” and the mentalis muscle that results in a pebbly chin appearance.

Botox may also be used therapeutically to treat migraine, tension headaches, clenching of the jaw, grinding of the teeth, and hyperhidrosis.

Does it hurt?
This is subjective – but most people are pleasantly surprised at how painless it is! During injection a mild pressure sensation may be felt which stops immediately after injection. No long-term discomfort is felt.  The entire procedure takes less than five minutes, although Sonia will spend more time with you discussing goals and desired effects prior to the procedure.

For women, being on your period may heighten sensitivity, so if you’re nervous about discomfort, plan your appointment accordingly. Ice can be used to provide analgesia to the areas injected, however, most people are reasonably comfortable throughout their treatment regardless.

Is it safe?
Yes! These treatments have been available for over 20 years and millions of people have had successful results. Because the product does not remain in your body, there are no cumulative effects to be concerned about.

Who shouldn’t use Botox?
Clients with Myasthenia Gravis, Eaton-Lambert Syndrome, or ALS should not have Botox, as well as pregnant or breast-feeding women.

Do the number of units determined for treatment indicate the number of times I will be poked?
No! Each site is tailored with the number of units required to soften that exact area. This is in no relation to the number of injections that will ensue.

What can I expect after treatment?
Once we have devised and executed our treatment plan, you will have small blebs under your skin at each site the product was placed. This will subside over the next five to ten minutes, as the relaxant absorbs into the muscle it was placed. Results are not immediate! In the following days, you will feel as if the muscles treated are relaxing and visible lines will start to soften. Full benefits of treatment may take up to two weeks, but studies show great client satisfaction as quickly as within three to seven days post treatment.

Occasionally, clients will report a mild headache for a few days after an initial treatment, which is easily treated with Tylenol or Advil. Although VERY rare, occasionally pinpoint bruising may occur. The chance of bruising can be reduced by avoiding products like Advil/Aleve, fish oil, ginko, vitamin E and red wine for several days prior to your treatment. Taking arnica prior to treatment is great to prevent bruising and promote fast healing.

Will I look frozen?
When treatments are professionally administered, the result of the treatment is a more rested expression, not a frozen expression. This is why a only a practitioner with an artistic eye should be considered to do these treatments.

How long will these results last?
Metabolism and individual body composition cause slight variance from person to person, however you can generally expect approximately three months out of each treatment.

Will it give me botulism?
No! There is no risk of contracting Botulism from these treatments. Botulism is a condition associated with food contamination and can be developed if you ingested contaminated food.


Which areas can be treated with fillers?
Any area requiring a boost in volume is a good candidate for filler placement. In addition to replacing lost volume, filler can be used to create volume that was never there in the first place! Examples of this would be in the creation of higher cheekbones, fuller lips, a stronger chin or a straighter nose.
Common areas treated are the under eye hollows, “smile lines”, cheeks, temples, and the “marionette lines” that result from loss of lower face volume and appear as the lines that follow from the corner of the mouth to either side of the the chin. Although it’s easy to refer to these general areas as target areas, Sonia prefers to look at your face as a whole, and will make recommendations on the best options for you, based on your desired outcome.

Does it hurt?
All measures are taken to ensure your treatment is the most comfortable it can be, and the only products used have anesthetic in them to help block discomfort. While most clients are comfortable with treatment, some areas do prove to be much more sensitive by nature. A topical anesthetic can be applied prior to your treatment if you wish.

Is it safe?
The cosmetic fillers Sonia uses are made up of Hyaluronic Acid (HA), a sugar that your own body naturally produces to maintain connective tissue integrity. HA fillers provide long lasting results, are unlikely to cause allergic reactions, and can be reversed if required. As they metabolize, they are simply reabsorbed into the skin.

What can I expect after treatment?
The beauty of cosmetic fillers is that they are immediately visible! The products will soften over the following few days and within 2 weeks to a month your filler will have settled nicely.
There may be some slight bruising and swelling around the treatment area for a few days. This is because the product will attract water, which is a desired effect in order to replace the volume that’s missing. You should be able to resume normal activities immediately. In most cases swelling resolves in 48 hours. Application of ice intermittently can help with swelling. Additionally, the chance of bruising can be reduced by avoiding products like Advil/Aleve, fish oil, ginko, vitamin E and red wine for several days prior to your treatment. Taking arnica prior to treatment is a great way to prevent bruising and promote fast healing.

How long will my results last?
This depends on a few things – the product used, the location injected, and your bodies metabolism and composition. Generally, you can expect the results to last between 12 and 24 months depending on how quickly the filler is reabsorbed by the surrounding tissue. You can expect results in the lip area to last approximately 6 months due to the movement that occurs in this facial area.