Treatment of Expression Lines

We call it magic, but the name of the molecule at work here is Botulinum neurotoxin A. We're talking about Botox, Dysport and Xeomin Cosmetic - further referred to as a neuromodulator. Using a tiny needle to inject this product into the underlying muscles of the skin, it works by temporarily blocking nerve impulses to targeted muscles. This in turn relaxes the muscle so that it is no longer able to contract to its full capacity. The result is diminished unwanted facial wrinkles. The degree of relaxation is determined by the amount injected as discussed through your consultation with Sonia.

As each individual is unique in their muscle strength, the number of units will vary from person to person. Results generally last up to 12 weeks, but the effect in each individual client may be significantly longer or shorter. Areas of lower muscle activity and clients with less muscle density usually require a lower dosage. Clients can often reduce the amount needed to sustain results by returning for a touch-up treatment as soon as they detect excess movement. Over time, many clients need fewer treatments, as the etching of lines relax and appear much less prominent.

Younger clients can use neuromodulators as a preventative treatment so as to never develop the fine lines associated with aging.

Botox is widely known and marketed for its ability to minimize wrinkles and lines on the face, however, it has a variety of different uses most people are unaware of. 

View before and after photos here.

Chronic Migraine

Botox has been an effective treatment for patients that experience chronic migraine headaches, and has been FDA approved to treat this disorder since 2010. Unlike many other Botox uses, the effectiveness of this treatment does not rely on the inhibition of muscle movement. It is believed to inhibit the release of peripheral nociceptive neurotransmitters from reaching nerve endings, with the result being reduced migraine pain.

Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating)

Hyperhidrosis is a condition that causes abnormal sweating, and Botox can alleviate symptoms of this condition. The injection occurs directly under the skin, where the sweat glands rest, and block chemical signals that the brain sends to sweat glands. Due to this interruption of signals, the sweat glands temporarily stop over producing.

Blepharospasm (Eye Twitch)

Blepharospasm is any abnormal contraction or twitch of the eyelid. Botox is injected into the surrounding muscles in the eye region and relieves muscle spasms and uncontrolled closing of the eye. This is a very rapid and effective treatment plan for this chronic condition, with patients usually needing visits every 3 months.

Bruxism (Grinding/Clenching of the Jaw)

Bruxism is the excessive grinding of the teeth and/or excessive clenching of the jaw. Botox is injected into the masseter muscles to relax them just enough to reduce this condition. Treatment will still allow patients to chew, talk and smile normally.